Delivery Information

  • Orders will be processed as per the order id after receipt of payment
  • Multiple orders for delivery to the same address will be delivered as single pack
  • Once package is ready for dispatch information about delivery centre and service will be sent via SMS and Email. Customer can also track their order on our website using order id,
  • The delivery of the product will be nearest lorry service to your booking address or communication address.  
  • We are not responsible for any delay / non-delivery of goods due to natural calamities or any cause that is beyond our control.
  • It is our responsibility to take all necessary steps for delivering the product safely and securely to you.
  •  If any product is missing or product is not in our stock, it is our responsibility to adjust or match your price to changable product after discussion with you. This will be processed based on your compliant through mail or phone call.


Product Delivery Charges

  • TamilNadu:
    Min order Rs 2500 +Shipping charge Rs 300
  • Otherstate:
     Min order Rs 5000+ shipping charge Rs 300

  • Sivasakthi cracker is not responsible if a non-delivery occurs on account of a mistake from customer side (i.e. wrong name or address). Any extra cost incurred for re-delivery shall be claimed from the customer placing the order.